By Ganymede
Safety Moment Events 2022
Safety Moment events are held every quarter and give our operatives the opportunity to hear about the latest safety initiatives and industry messages. We also use these events to encourage our workforce to #SpeakUp, ask questions and voice their thoughts and any concerns.
Following virtual events during the coronavirus pandemic, we were delighted to have the opportunity to resume face to face Safety Moment events across the UK.
Similarly, after the launch of our new offices in both Scotland and the South East, it has been a fantastic opportunity to meet with our operatives and emphasise our ethos of Safety First, Safety Always.
Gary Lobue, Head of HSEQ said of the events:
"It was great to see Ganymede relaunch our safety moment events. After two and a half years we were back on the road hosting our Safety Moments in Abercynon, Bellshill and Ashford. It was so refreshing to see our workforce collectively and face to face again.
Our events started in Abercynon in Wales, then in Bellshill Scotland and finished off in London meeting our operatives from the Ashford office which had a large audience including our client and sub-contractors. The events were themed around Fatigue, Accident reporting, communications, wellbeing & mental health, raising of Close Calls and PPE but most importantly our #SpeakUp and 'Safety First, Safety Always' was embraced by all."
Topics covered also included:
Mental Health, including the identities of our Mental Health First Aiders
Accident / Incident reporting
Fatigue, and the new standard that is coming into effect later this year
Close Calls
Driving / Fleet Check Presentation
We trust all attendees found the sessions useful and engaging. As a business we are committed to raising awareness and sharing safety messages to our workforce to help keep everyone safe so the value in these sessions can not be understated.
The next series of Safety Moment events will resume in the Autumn.