Track Safety Alliance Conference

By Ganymede

Ganymede, a leading provider of contingent labour to the rail industry, is delighted to sponsor the Track Safety Alliance’s (TSA) 16th conference on 9 October 2018 at their head office, the Derby Conference Centre as they celebrate 20 years in business.

The conference will bring together supervisory, technical, managerial and frontline workers to discuss the sustainable approach to the health, safety and wellbeing of teams who work in the rail industry.

Conference highlights

·        Steve Featherstone, Programme Director Track, Network Rail will review achievements over the last year, the developments into CP6 and the associated new Track Alliance contracts.

·        Focus on health and wellbeing for people who work in the railway industry, including the launch of the High Output Health Challenge.

·        The potential risks and impacts of fatigued staff associated with rail operations.

·        Various exhibitors will showcase the latest innovations in safety.


This event is free to attend and delegate numbers are limited. For more information about the conference, please email


Click here to view the full agenda.